Monday, September 20, 2010

Running Log

For three years, I have recycled a mention of Running Log, the great Native American track and field star. I still haven't written that legend out, though.

Instead, this is about the importance of logging your runs and workouts and what-not.

I really recommend that you keep track of your running. Most obviously, it helps you develop a picture of how often you're running, and what kind of mileage you're putting in every week. Most people think it'll make them feel bad when they miss a workout - actually, that's not a bad thing. But it will also give you an appreciation for how much you're doing. When you miss a workout, but you still see that you ran six or nine or (eventually) 20 miles that week, it can prevent that Stuart Smalley shame spiral where you decide it's all hopeless, and you go grab the peanut butter, a jar of Bonne Maman strawberry preserves, and the largest spoon that will fit in the mouths of both jars, and go to town, washing it down with successive Lone Star tallboys, the tinge of aluminum made slightly salty by your own tears.

It happens. Or so I hear.

So, check out the training log. It's fun to do, and you can also track your other activities, like yoga, cycling, swimming, and your weekly pickup jai-alai games. It'll also track your vitals, like your weight.

A training log is also good because it helps you track the mileage on your running shoes, which we call "tennis" or "tenny" shoes in Texas, but which the British, apparently being masters of the obvious and explicit, call "runners."

Now, if you'll look to the left over there, you'll see a link for the Nikerunning website, which contains a free training log. There have long been rumors that they were going to discontinue the site, but it hasn't happened yet. It also uses Flash, and won't work on some mobile devices. So... that kind of sucks. I just haven't been entirely thrilled about any other log application that I've seen. Many of them don't track shoes, or allow you to enter other types of workouts. So, for now, I keep using the Nike one.

If you find something you like much better, let me know. In the meantime, make sure you do something to keep track of what you're doing - I think you'll be pretty pleased with the results.

1 comment:

jennicole said...
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