Monday, September 10, 2007

The Relentless March of Tech Continues...

No, I don't mean Texas Tech, or Virginia or Georgia Tech. I'm talking technology - I'm experimenting with ways of posting our running schedule.

If you'll look down the left side of the page, you'll see links to the Google Calendars created for the half marathon and marathon training groups. They're not fully populated just yet, and the Upstarts calendar is coming soon.

I'd use the "Month" tab - it actually makes it easier to see everything than the week view does. If you click on a quality workout or long run, you can look at the details, which will include maps, and, you know, details. To use a link, though, you have to click "more details".

If you have a Google username and password, you can subscribe to the calendar, and get it to send you email or text message reminders...

Please note that the "Where" is where we'll meet.

OK, so definitely give me some feedback on how this is to use. Is it convenient, easy, readable?

Finally, we have the running countdown to the AT&T Marathon and Half Marathon, code ripped off from/courtesy of Dr. Mel...


Stacy said...
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Stacy said...

Um, so... the half-marathoners calander lists the group practice on wednesday night. Did our group practice time change from tuesday night or is the calendar off?

The new calendar seems more or less readable, but I do miss the ease/conveniance of having it on the sidebar where it could be viewed with out having to log-in through google. Still the linking to the maps is a cool tie-in feature

Rob said...

No, that was my mistake... I've corrected it, now. half marathon is still on Tuesday.

So, you're having to log in... I was hoping it wouldn't be like that.

I'll keep experimenting, and in the meantime, I'll put the schedule back up on the sidebar...

Rob said...

yeah, OK, I don't like this. It didn't work the way I thought it would...

Stand by.

Stacy said...

Well, if you are going to post to the blog, you have to sign in anyway. Perhaps if you've signed in at the blog, it will take you directly to the calendar when you click it.

I'm glad it's still tuesday. I had a conflict on Wednesday nights. :-)

JeanConover said...

Love the google calendar feature...thanks for all your work Rob!

Rob said...

OK, try it now.

dr mel said...

Thank K for the countdown, not me.

carmen said...

If you try to print it, the only thing that prints is the empty squares with the date in them. Also can we customize it all all?

carmen said...

Hey Rob i thought we wer meeting at Whole Foods and running to track, is this right b/c the details page on the calendar today says meeting at Austin High. Please clarify

Rob said...

Yes, the half marathoners are meeting tonight, Tuesday, at 6:30 at the Austin High Track.

I'd rather you put the distance into the workout than getting there and back...

Anyone else having calendar issues? I know Jacala can't open it...

What kind of customizing are you wanting?

Rob said...

OK, you subscribe to the calendar, you might better be able to print it...

carmen said...

Ok so we subscribe off our google email page? Take it from step one.
I just want to be able to add my specific activites like yoga instead of generic cross training. Not for the public calendar, but for my own. I have never used Google calendar. obviously.

carmen said...

ok I have a gmail account, I officially accepted Rob's invite to join the group. officially joined the group, I signed up for google calendar and now how the hell do I link it to be able to see the group's calendars?

Rob said...

OK, here's what I've figured out:

1. The link to the calendar doesn't seem to work if you're logged in to the blog. This is obviously a stupid Google glitch. I'll do some research, but as soon as I actually sign out of the blog, and go back into it, the calendar link works. Yes, this is stupid.

2. Google hasn't provided for printing from the embedded HTML version.

3. I am not certain you can add personal events to the Spiridon calendar itself, but you can display multiple calendars if you're logged in to Google Calendar. First, from the link on our web page, click "Add to Google". Then when you're logged in to Google Calendar, it should show up as an available calendar on the left side of the screen. Check the box, and it'll show up. Then you can put your personal stuff in your personal calendar, but view and print them both in one view.

Make sense? I'm not overjoyed with this, but it's a good solution for us at the moment. I tried today, and it's pretty... pretty slow.

JeanConover said...

Ok, I will be there EARLY tonight :) since I don't want to run alone again... I also wanted to invite everyone to Antone's after our practice tonight to see my friend's band play. They are in a competition tonight for the chance to play at ACL. The show is free. Doors open at 8 and show is at 9pm. Hope you will come out!