Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Dark. No Light."

I'm intending, as previously threatened, to move our workouts up to 6:00pm, to try to get us a little more daylight, what with the apparent shortening of the days by means of some black magic that liberals and conservatives can blame each other for, the falling-back clock action on October 28, and the gradual, evil lengthening of workouts.

Still, you're going to find yourself running in the dark. Unless we're all able to quit our jobs simultaneously (I'm in - anyone? Anyone?), it's just going to be a reality of running. So, let's be smart about it, by means of my beloved bullet points:
  • Turn on your heartlight - Well, no, and I can hear Daniel and Matt singing that right now. Must crank up the new Radiohead album... Better. OK, so quite simply, get you some light, so you can see and be seen. Bettysport, RunTex, Academy, REI, all have varieties of lightweight blinky lights . The blinky LED's that go on the shoes are incredibly disconcerting to watch, but that noticeability is exactly what you want, and they even end up casting a little light in your path. REI even has some super-bright halogen headlamps that you can wear on your head, or maybe clip to your arm or waistband.
  • Black is the new way to get your butt run over - Yes, you look cool, and you get to play Ninja Runner Person. But you'll never get to use your nunchuks if you get smacked by the car that you were stealthily invisible to. Wear light colors, with reflective stuff. Reflective vests are cheap, if you'll take alive and stupid-looking over dead and cool.
  • Be actively visible - Run on the left, unless circumstances make this clearly the worst option. When you have cars coming at you, make eye contact, even wave at them. Make sure they see you.
  • Take a buddy, or at least someone you can almost stand - Don't run alone. Simple enough. You're more visible, you have a spotter, you're less likely to get messed with, and if you see the other person fall into a gaping hole, you can go around the hole and continue your run.
  • Step light - When you're running through a dark patch, don't assume that it's not the only patch of sidewalk in five miles that isn't clear. Confused by the double negative? Me, too. Point is, find the most lit path through the darkness, slow a little, pick up your feet, and step lightly, as if you're running across a rocky stream. If there is something, you'll have a better chance of recovering from it.
  • Pick your route carefully - There are lots of considerations here. Stay out of deserted and/or dark areas, and clear of pothole infestations. Vehicle traffic can provide you a bit of light and security, but you need to steer clear of narrow roads, blind hills and corners, or high speed limits. Portions of the trail are OK, but it gets awfully dark. If you're close to the trail, you might be better off running downtown, or on South Congress.
  • Run tough, act tough - One night last week, across the street from Whole Foods, one of our runners was accosted by someone who thought she looked good in shorts, but then wanted to see if she felt good, too. She tried to edge away and be polite. That's understandable, but if it's not going to work with a frat boy in a bar, why would it work with a possibly loony predator? If a comment gets made that's over the line, ignore it. Don't give them anything. If they persist or approach you, say, "Hey. Leave me alone, I'm running." Ignore him when he calls you whatever he calls you, as long as he walks off. Keep anything you say short, but be assertive and make the point that you're not going to be messed with. In the situation our runner was in, she could cross the other street, approach some other people, or even go up to one of the cars in the intersection, and start communicating with them - make sure he sees that people see you and him, and he'll probably move off. If you get in serious trouble, yell, and flag down a car.

Above all, use yer head. Be alert. I'd consider ditching the iPod for night runs in some areas, but if you choose to run with tunes, day or night, you have to take extra steps to be alert, period. But whatever, just be alert, be thinking, be aware of your surroundings. It's a good skill to have anyway, and if that's something you learn from running, then that's great.

OK. There you go. Please, take this stuff seriously.

Incidentally, the title is from... anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Jack said...

The time changes on Nov. 4th this year vs. Oct. 28th. But yeah, we can still blame the politicians.

Rob said...

I'm betting it's the Librils. They're all like, "Oh, we have to save the daylight, we're killing the daylight with our cars and our bottled chestnut oil and our labradoodles! WAHHHH WAHHHH, LOOK AT ME, I'M A LIBERAL!"

Rob said...

Or maybe it's the Kunservativs, because they're all, like, "Grumble grumble minority single mother skateboarding liberals grumble grumble Fox News said we should minimize the daylight hours they use to get across the border and do their drugs and their heavy metal band practices and homosexual marriages and what-not, grumble grumble. Plus, this way, they can't see what we're up to."

Rob said...

Don't even get me started on the Libertarians, because... I don't know what they're all, like, like.

dr mel said...

I got a small headlamp at REI last fall and really like it. Sometimes I'll just carry it in my hand rather than wear it on my head since I can shine the light more easily where I want that way...