Monday, December 3, 2007

Half-Marathoning, South Texas Style

OK, here's Mirsa's race report...

Just so you know how dedicated I am... I woke up at 5:30AM in the morning (dragged my reluctant Mother from San Benito) to go the 2nd Annual Fiesta Marathon in McAllen.

This marathon is considered a qualifying event for the 2008 Boston Marathon! For anyone trying to qualify, this was the race to seal the deal because the course didn’t have a whole lot of topography (really flat). The palm trees makes for nice viewing instead.

It was a beautimas day. Cool morning. The race started mas or menos 7am sharp. By the end of the race, it was probably high 80s.

Racers participated in the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, Walk/Jog 5K, or the 1-Mile kids race. Lots of categories for a whopping total of about 1000 racers. And although it seemed bigger, it was mainly because there were probably more spectators than runners.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. My Mom, in the end, enjoyed it as well and glad she tagged along. For the rest of the day, she told all my raza family (tios, tias, primos, etc.) that I ran a marathon. I had to keep correcting her that I ran the HALF marathon. She said, "Whatever, it’s all the same." (In Spanish, of course.)

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