Friday, August 31, 2007

Saturday Maebe Fünke

That won't even make sense to people who know what I'm talking about...

I just thought I'd let you know that I might be up for a longish run at 8am Saturday morning.

"What the hell?" you might well ask. "What happened to all the JFK moonshot rah-rah garbage you unleashed on us?"

Well, this will be the last Saturday for the next six months that I won't have to be up at an absurd hour to coach. Sundays will probably end up being my own long run days until it gets cooler and I can run Saturday afternoons. So, tomorrow morning, I'd like the option of sleeping in.

On the other hand, I need to run and get it done. I just want the option of it being a game-time decision. So, if anyone's up for running, let me know, and then tomorrow morning, you can call or text me to make sure I am, in fact, awake.

Regardless, you should all be running tomorrow... RIGHT?



J. La said...

Well I think i will also sleep in, I am always up for sleeping in :-)

Rob said...

so, i had to get something to the downtown postoffice by 6pm. i plotted a course at work, hauled ass home, changed, and ran to the post office. got there at 6:02, dropped the mail in the slot at 6:04. I'm a little concerned... surely they give a little slack...

A little over three miles there, almost four back, my first seven mile run in over a month. total actual running time, about 1:10.

so, i'm feeling good, but i need wider shoes... these stupid blisters...

rowdy said...

i know who maebe funke is!

Rob said...

yeah, well, when i said, "people who know what I'm talking about" - you are that people.