Monday, August 13, 2007

Week Two, the Wrath of Spiro

Or something. I can't hardly talk about the second of anything without thinking of Wrath of Khan. What can I say, I am a giant geek.

This week's schedule is up, but it will shortly be accompanied by an alternative schedule for those of you already capable of running a bit further.

Oh, and here's a map of where we run at the Zilker Soccer Fields.

So, drop a comment, and let me know if you've been running, and how it's going... This is a good forum for any questions you might have, too...


Rob said...

Yeah, actually, I'll come clean and start. I've been feeling under the weather. I ran about four with Amanda last Wednesday, then intended to run on Thursday and Friday, but I've had something kind of funky going on.

Late Saturday night, I ran down to Barton Springs Saloon (three miles), to meet Erin and another friend, had a lemonade, then ran two miles back home. Biked yesterday, at 2pm, which yes, was absolutely stupid of me.

Debbie said...

Rob, i've been running on the track mainly at MAC. I've been running 3 min. and walking 1 min. I'm working on trying to get may cardio back. See ya'll tomorrow night.

cassief said...

As I told Rob already, Matt and I (the people who could'nt come last week due to a sick cat) have not been keeping up with our running assignments because we just moved and we are still trying to dig out of boxes. Hopefully we can keep up this evening!

rowdy said...

i ran 2 on the treadmill last night and now my ankle's all swollen up again. and hurts. boo hoo. i'll be there tonight though, if nothing else just to whine about it.